Book Five
Later Chronicles of the Lenape

Wemilangundo wulamo talli talegaking. 
All were peaceful, long ago, there at Talega land.
  Tamaganend sakimanep wapalaneng.
The Pipe-Bearer was chief at the White river.
  Wapushuwi sakimanep kelitgeman.
White-Lynx was chief; much corn was planted.
  Wulitshinik sakimanep makdopannik.
Good-and-Strong was chief; the people were many.
 Lelhihitin sakimanep wallamolumin.
The Recorder was chief; he painted the records.
  Kolachuisen sakimanep makeliming.
Pretty-Blue-Bird was chief; there was much fruit.
  Pematalli sakimanep makelinik.
Always-There was chief; the towns were many.
  Pepomahenem sakimanep makelaning.
Paddler-up Stream was chief; he was much on the rivers.
 Tankawon sakimanep makeleyachik,
Little-Cloud was chief; many departed,
  Nentegowi shawanowi shawanaking.
The Nanticokes and the Shawnees going to the south.
  Kichitamak sakimanep wapahoning.
Big-Beaver was chief, at the White Salt Lick.
  Onowutok awolagan wunkenahep.
The Seer, the praised one, went to the west.
  Wunpakitonis wunshawononis wunkiwikwotank.
He went to the west, to the southwest, to the western villages.
 Pawanami sakimanep taleganah.
The Rich-Down-River-Man was chief. at Talega river.
  Lokwelend sakimanep makpalliton.
The Walker was chief; there was much war.
 Lappi towako lappi sinako lappi lowako.
 Again with the Tawa people, again with the Stone people, again with the northern people.
 Mokolmokom sakimanep lowushkakiang.
Grandfather-of Boats was chief; he went to lands in boats.
 Winelowich sakimanep mokolakolin.
 Snow-Hunter was chief; he went to the north land.
 Linkwekinuk sakimanep talegawing.
Look-About was chief; he went to the Talega mountains.
  Wapalawikwan sakimanep waptalegawing.
East-Villager was chief; he was east of Talega.
 Amangaki amigaki wapakisinep.
A great land and a wide land was the east land,
 Mattakohaki mapawaki mawulitenol.
A land without snakes, a rich land, a pleasant land.
 Gikenopalat sakimanep pekochilowan.
 Great Fighter was chief, toward the north.
 Saskwihanang hanaholend sakimanep.
At the straight river, River-Loving was chief.
 Gattawisi sakimanep winakaking.
 Becoming-Fat was chief at Sassafras land.
Wemi lowichik gishishawipek lappi kichipek.
All the hunters made wampum again at the great sea.
 Makhiawip sakimanep lapihaneng.
Red-Arrow was cheif at the stream again.
 Wolomenap sakimanep maskekitong.
 The Painted-Man was chief at the Mighty Water.
 Wapanand tumewand waplowaan.
 The Easterners and the Wolves go northeast.
 Wulitpallat sakimanep piskwilowan.
 Good-Fighter was chief, and went to the north.
 Mahongwi pungelika wemi nungwi.
The Mengwe, the Lynxes, all trembled.
 Lappi tamenend sakimanep wemi langundit.
 Again an Affable was chief, and made peace with all.
 Wemi nitis wemi takwicken sakima kichwon.
All were friends, all were united, under this great cheif.
 Kichitamak sakimanep  winakununda.
Great-Beaver was chief, remaining in Sassafras land.
  Wapahakey sakimanep sheyabian.
White-Body was chief on the sea shore.
 Elangomel sakimanep makeliwulit.
Peace-Maker was chief, friendly to all.
 Pitenumen sakimanep unchihillen.
 He-Makes-mistakes was chief, hurriedly coming.
 Wonwihil wapekunchi wapsipayat.
 At this time whites came on the Eastern sea.
 Makelomush sakimanep wulatenamen.
 Much-Honored was chief; he was prosperous.
 Wulakeningus sakimanep shawanipalat.
Well-Praised was chief; he fought at the south.
 Otaliwako akowetako ashkipalliton.
 He fought in the land of the Talega and Koweta.
 Wapagamoshki sakimanep lamatanitis.
 White-Otter was chief; a friend of the Talamatans.
 Wapashum sakimanep talegawunkik.
White-Horn was chief; he went to the Talega,
 Mahiliniki mashawoniki makonowiki.
To the Hilini, to the Shawnees, to the Kanawhas.
Nitispayat sakimanep kipemapekan,
Coming-as-a Friend was chief, he went to the great lakes. 
 Wemiamik weminitik kiwikhotan.
 Visiting all his children, all his friends.
 Pakimitzin sakimanep tawanitip.
Cranberry-Eater was chief, friend of the Ottawas.
 Lowaponskan sakimanep ganshowenik.
 North-Walker was chief; he made festivals.
 Tashawinso sakimanep shayabing.
Slow-Gatherer was chief at the shore.
 Nakhagattamen nakhalissin wenchikit,
 As three were desired, three those were who grew forth,
 Unamini minsimini chikimini.
 The Unami, the Minsi, the chikini.
 Epallahchund sakimanep mahongwipallat.
Man-Who-Falls was chief; he fought the Mengwe.
 Langomuwi sakimanep mahongwichamen.
He-is-Friendly was cheif; he scared the Mengwe.
 Wangomend sakimanep ikalawit,
Saluted was chief; thither,
 Otaliwi wasiotowi shingalusit.
Over there, on the Scioto, he had foes.
 Wapachikis sakimanep sahyabinitis.
White-Crab was chief; a friend of the shore.
 Nenachihat sakimanep peklinkwekin,
Watcher was chief; he looked toward the sea.
 Wonwihil lowashawa wapayachik.
 At this time, from north and south, the whites came.
Langomuwak kitohatewa ewenikiktit?
They are peaceful; they have great things; who are they?