From time to time I deal with Christians who try to read the myth of evolution into Scripture. Then, when I quote Exodus 20:11, “For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and everything that is in them,” their first reaction is to say, “Well there are different opinions as to what that means”. Think carefully about what they are saying because Satan is playing a trick on them. They think that they are explaining God’s Word, but what they are really doing is replacing God’s Word with man’s word. God said, “In six days the LORD made…etc.” and they replace it with man’s word which says something else. However, when I try to point this out to them they seem unable to comprehend what I am saying. In their mind they cannot distinguish between what the Bible says and what they think.

          Therefore, let me explain it this way. God wants us to teach what He says in His Word, not what we think! In short, the entire doctrinal content of Scripture, everything God wants us to believe and teach, is clearly and explicitly stated in Scripture. When God says that He created the world “in six days”, that is what He wants us to believe and teach. When he tells us that each of those days had an “evening” and “morning” that is exactly what He wants us to believe and teach. And, when He tells us that, “a man is justified by faith without the deeds of the law,” that is exactly what He wants us to believe and teach (Rom. 3:28). I added that last verse to show that allowing the Bible to speak for itself in this way supports the Gospel, while saying, “There are different opinions as to what that means,” subverts it.