Welcome to Branscome's School of Theology

Gary Ray Branscome

  The purpose of this web site is to promote the historic Christian faith by providing sound instruction in God's Word.  As a means to that end you will find essays and Bible study lessons on a variety of topics. Feel free to read those lessons, print them out, and use them. The only restriction is that no changes be made in what these lessons say. If this web site is a blessing to you then tell others about it.

    Many years of serious Bible study have gone into the lessons this school provides.  The series of lessons entitled "THE APOSTLES' DOCTRINE" presents the central teaching of God's Word in an easy to understand historical format. It is of key importance, and has been translated into both Spanish and Hindi.

    The series of lessons entitled "SCRIPTURE ALONE" presents the central teaching of God's Word from the Bible itself, emphasizing the fact that the doctrine God wants us to teach, is what the Bible clearly and explicitly says, not man made explanations.

    The series of lessons entitled "What Does the Bible Say?" presents the central teaching of God's Word in a question and answer format, allowing the Bible to answer various questions as to what it teaches.

    All of the other lessons expound on, support and agree with the doctrines set forth in the lessons mentioned above, and with the section on


   The lessons behind the door labeled, "Christian Government" offer a Biblical view of government, while providing a Biblical view of freedom which is essentially the freedom to live quiet and peaceable lives in all godliness and honesty (1 Timothy 2:2).


     The lessons dealing with Bible interpretation emphasize the fact that God wants us to teach what He says (in the actual words of Scripture) not man made ideas and explanations of what is said. And, certainly not explanations aimed at getting around what is said. All of man's attempts to go beyond what the Bible says only obscure the truth. If we want the truth we must continue in His Word without adding to or taking from what it says (John 8:31).



    The "Apostles' Doctrine" series of lessons was translated into Hindi by Dr. M.A. Thomas of Kota India. Concerning that set of lessons Dr. Thomas writes: 
    "We have printed 10,000 copies in the first printing. It is  greatly used. We send [it] to all the radio listeners and to all our correspondence students and also give [it out] when we go for door to door evangelism. People really like  it. It is simple and plain [and] explains the gospel completely. I praise God for it and thank you for it."


              My Theology is essentially that of William Tyndale. The lessons on this web site are not on the public domain.  While I allow  fellow believers to freely use, copy and study these lessons I do ask that no changes be made to them.